plastic welding technology

since 1979

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High performance

REMEDY 355 est une soudeuse indépendante à haute productivité, entraînée par des chenilles et alimentée par un générateur diesel embarqué. Conçu pour la soudure bout à bout de tubes en PEHD et PP de Ø 125 à 355 mm (de 4" à 14" IPS ; de 4" à 12" DIPS). Convient aux normes de fusion ISO 21307 High Pressure et ASTM F2620.
REMEDY 500 V1 is an independent, high-productivity welding machine driven by tracks Made in Ritmo and powered by a Diesel on-board generator.  The machine allows the selection of two motor speeds: 1800 RPM – Movement and 3000 RPM - Welding. Designed for buttwelding HDPE and PP pipes from Ø 200 to 500 mm (from 6” to 20” IPS; from 6” to 18” DIPS). Suitable for ISO 21307 High Pressure and ASTM F2620 fusion standards. Versatile: - Remote control track up to 100 m 328 ft -...
REMEDY 1000 is an independent, high-productivity welding machine driven by tracks and powered by a Diesel 3.6-cylinder in-line Turbo-Common Rail on-board generator. The machine designed for butt-welding HDPE and PP pipes up to Ø 1000 mm for the transportation of water, gas and other fluids under pressure. The machine can weld according to ISO 21307 High Pressure and ASTM F2620 standards. - Working range from Ø 355 to 1000 mm - welding system that allows the operator to program and...
REMEDY 1000 CNC FA is an independent, high-productivity welding machine driven by tracks and powered by a Diesel 3.6-cylinder in-line Turbo-Common Rail on-board generator. The machine designed for butt-welding HDPE and PP pipes up to Ø 1000 mm for the transportation of water, gas and other fluids under pressure. The machine can weld according to ISO 21307 High Pressure and ASTM F2620 standards. - Working range from Ø 355 to 1000 mm - CNC FA (FULLY AUTOMATIC) welding system that allows...
ROULEAUX HS équipement indispensable pour supporter les tuyaux pendant le soudage; conçu et développé pour les machines à souder des séries ALL TERRAIN et TRAILER. Les rouleaux réduisent également l'effort d’entraînement du tube, facilitent le travail de l'opérateur et accélèrent toutes les différentes phases opérationnelles qui se déroulent sur site. La série comprend quatre modèles: - HS ROULEAUX 250 pour tubes jusqu'à Ø 250 mm. - HS ROULEAUXR 355 pour tubes...