REMEDY 500 V1 - 28 фев 2025
REMEDY 500 V1 is an independent, high-productivity welding machine driven by tracks Made in Ritmo and powered by a Diesel on-board generator. The machine allows the selection of two motor speeds: 1800 RPM – Movement and 3000 RPM - Welding.
Designed for buttwelding HDPE and PP pipes from Ø 200 to 500 mm (from 6” to 20” IPS; from 6” to 18” DIPS). Suitable for ISO 21307 High Pressure and ASTM F2620 fusion standards.
- Remote control track up to 100 m 328 ft
DELTA 800 EASY LIFE - 12 дек 2023
DELTA 800 EASY LIFE может осуществлять стыковую сварку труба с трубой, труба с отводом, тройником, крестовиной, Y-образным фитингом и с втулкой под фланец без вспомогательного оборудования путем фиксирования свободного зажима с подвижными зажимами. Это возможно благодаря тому,...
RTC 500 - 12 окт 2023
RTC 500 Benefits
1 - Easy to install - you can’t go wrong
2 - Saves time on positioning and fixing
3 - Smooth and consistent motion
4 - Designed to ensure quality scraping over the years
RTC 500 is the choice of the professional who wants quality during the scraping process.
Created from the merge of the RTC 315 and RTC 710 models. It is a precise, versatile scraper with a wide working range: from Ø 180 mm to 500 mm (8” IPS ÷ 20” IPS).
Smooth rotation has...
SIGMA 630 PRO - 20 апр 2023
Product update
New cutting angles -45° +67.5°
UNO - U.S. Patent - 7 мар 2023
A new achievement!
“U.S. Patent No. 11,446,880”
Elektra S-M-XL - 2 сен 2021
New technology, Best performance
all the advantages of a welding machine for the small diameters
up to:
Ø 315 mm 110 V
Ø 200 mm 230 V
high-performance welding machine designed for medium diameters. Versatility is its strength
up to:
Ø 500 mm 110 V
Ø 315 mm 230 V
The best of technology in an astonishing weight. No compromise to your weld!
up to:
Ø 1600 mm 230 V
More details:
PRISMA 90 - 18 май 2021
This workshop/construction site welding machine is suitable for the socket fusion of pipes and fittings up to an OD of 90 mm, in accordance with the standards in force.
The PRISMA 90 is composed of a machine body featuring a selector for the welding depths of the different diameters,
an adjustable clamp for locking the pipes, a self-centring clamp for locking the fittings (different brands), a self-centring
socket welder with electronic temperature control, a device for the maximum...
DELTA 200 M - 17 дек 2018
DELTA200 M механическая машина для стыковой сварки для труб диаметром до Ø 200 мм.
Она отличается малым весом, минимальным габаритным размером и универсальностью.
Состоит: корпус машины, два зажима, съемный электрический торцеватель оснащенный защитным микровыключателем,...
SOCIAL - 20 июл 2018
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New Service - 3 апр 2018
Download Spare Parts List and Operation Manual in PDF files
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DELTA 355 TRAILER - 30 окт 2017
DELTA 355 TRAILER welds HDPE, PP pipes and fittings for the transportation of gas, water and other fluids under pressure from 125 mm to 355 mm or from 4” IPS to 14” IPS. It is designed to work according to welding standard ISO 21307 High Pressure.
Machine composition:- Removable control panel with data-logging, memory up to 4000 welding reports, GPS treacebility; USB port for welding report / data download / firmware upgrade. Easy-life welding control system: hardware and software...
Bahrein - DELTA 1600 - 3 апр 2017
Everything changes once you are standing in front of uncommon proportions: points of view, feelings, even the time seems to go by differently.
These are the first sensations I had once I arrived in Bahrein to visit a job site with big diameters pipes managed by the DELTA 1600 HDR: welding machine with hydraulic motion with a working range from 800 to 1600 mm.
Here, people are thinking about future with a modern and welcoming residential area in the artificial island of Al Madina...
Il metano ti dà una mano! - 19 янв 2016
“Il metano, ti dà una mano!”
Erano gli anni a cavallo fra il 1980 e 1990 e la tv italiana trasmetteva uno spot con questo slogan: “Il metano, ti dà una mano!”. In atto c’erano importanti investimenti con lo scopo di metanizzare la maggioranza dei comuni italiani, fu allora che alcune città partirono e crearono le prime infrastrutture con il tubo in polietilene: il gas naturale in Italia ora era di casa!
Oggi, a distanza di circa trent’anni si può fare un bilancio e...
INDIA - Pipeline for gas - 30 ноя 2015
Shahdol in the central Indian - State of Madhya Pradesh, the economy is growth; the work involves the collection directly from the wells (303) of natural gas: the Coal Bed Methane.- Pipeline for gas 470 km long. - Material PE 100 - Diameters from 4 "to 24" and SDR 11.
The CBM it’s a natural Gas normally absorbed and conserved in really deep carbon mines. Is also known as Coal Seam Gas (CSG). It’s extracted from the depressurization of carbon mines through a...
…Step by step - 30 июл 2015
Here we go, talking about Greece, but fortunately, in a different way compare to the last financial and European news. We will speak in a positive way about a working site into a postcard background.
We are in the Skiathos Island in the Aegean Sea where we are working since May to create a new hydric pipeline going across the entire island. A really important project both for the local population and for the numerous tourists that every year spend theirs...
TURBO - 16 июн 2015
Скребок TURBO запатентованный в США "No. 9.021.926 B2"
Скребок TURBO иновационный и простой в использовании запатентованный Ritmo скребок для снятия оксидного слоя и фаски на трубах и фитингах из ПЭ –ПП Ø 20 до 63 мм SDR 6 до 11 перед электромуфтовой сваркой.Данный скребок может...