Ritmo S.p.a. poses, as a strategic objective, the confirmation of the proper role of leading manufacturing company in the field of equipment for the processing of plastic materials, referring to the following fundamental principals:
- THOUGHTS ORIENTED TOWARDS THE RISKS: Ritmo S.p.a. has always promoted a systematic approach to considering and analyzing the risks inherent in their activities in the fields of quality and safety and take the proper mitigating actions or take advantage of any opportunity and invites all its employees to internalize this guiding principle by adopting measures of a preventive character, with all the instrumental resources that are necessary in order to reduce the risk of accidents, incidents or occupational diseases to a minimum.
- COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS: Ritmo S.p.a. believes that the main objective in quality material is client satisfaction, to be achieved through the making of equipment conforming to the contractually defined and in full compliance with legal requirements and regulations applicable in the area of quality and safety, including those relating to the corresponding management systems. In particular, through a collaboration with the client to gain an understanding of the multiple needs, we offer our customers solutions of high standard of technology and quality.§
- COMPETENCE AND SAFETY OF PERSONNEL: Ritmo S.p.a., is aware that the quality of the equipment and the management of health and safety in the work environment are based on the work of all its employees, and that the responsibility in the management of SL concerns the entire company organisation, each according to its attribution and competence, pays the maximum attention to the training of staff, and promotes and stimulates the growth and enhancement of knowledge and skills, the cooperation, consultation and the active participation of all employees in the SGQ and SGS&SL. Safety and competence of the operators are obtained through the activity update ongoing safety awareness, which also covers employees and contractors.
- CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: Quality and SSL are an integral part of business management. The continuous improvement is pursued through the definition of objectives, implementation programmes and suitable indicators for subsequent monitoring. The related results are periodically reviewed.
The quality assurance manager and management representative for safety have the responsibility to verify the adequacy and the full implementation of the SGQ and of the SGSSL, and to promote the update and continuous improvement.
Such a policy and the continuous improvement of the management system for quality and safety are the foundations of the operation of Ritmo S.p.a. and the guidelines for the definition and the achievement of the objectives for quality and safety, improving the effectiveness of its activities and the satisfaction of the parties concerned.
Bresseo di Teolo, 28 Settembre 2018
Rossella Contiero
Rev. 08 del 28/09/2018